Tip You in the App

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I’m Back

Okay, for clarity, I never really went anywhere; I only temporarily stopped blogging and making Youtube videos. There's no compelling reason why I stopped, maybe because I launched Tip You in the App so quickly that it was a little overwhelming.

I’m back!

First, I was surprised at how quickly I could launch a brand dedicated to rideshare and other gig economy workers. It was both exciting and shocking, like paddling a canoe down the rapids. I floated without realizing the water was the engine; I only needed to steer. Your participation and comments were my water for the rapids.

I'm not saying I was famous, nor is that the intent. I just thought it would take a few months, not days, before people signed up and went to the website.

For example, I wrote my first blog article in February, and by March, I got 1,484 website visits, and 21 people signed up for the e-mail. Wow

What started as a fun little project became a real commitment to 21 people. Pausing allowed me to consider if I wanted to do this.

You see, I'm not doing it for the money. There's nothing for sale on this website or Youtube channel. My goal was to learn how to create content and engage a community of like-minded people. I was hoping to use Tip You in the App as a case study to show my clients how content works.

Well, after much deliberation and thought, I'm back.

And I think I'm going to commit even more time and effort. The gig economy world is full of experts telling you how to make more money. Uber is where I live and work, and everyone has a tip or trick to make a few extra bucks. I appreciate that.

But no one cares about the concerns of Uber drivers. The same is true for Lyft. It's almost a little depressing reading Facebook posts of real challenges drivers have without anyone listening.

Just today, I read about a driver struggling to manage a rider that put their bag in the car, only to leave the vehicle, forcing the driver to wait, not knowing when the person would return. Oh, it sounds simple, "just put the bag on the road" was one comment. Please! That's not how most humans work. Most of us are kind, and we're genially taken aback when another human takes advantage of us. We're a little stunned. The person that shared that post wasn't looking for help on how to handle the situation; they only wanted someone to listen.

Being an Uber driver is stressful. Driving a car at high speeds in traffic in a new neighborhood is dangerous. Add in the fact that you have a stranger behind you, talking and Uber pinging you for a ride. After a while, we learn to cope, but when a situation is unique, like a backpack left in the car, as a marker to hold a car or something, it's just stressful.

So anyway, I want to connect with more people struggling to earn a living as gig workers. It's like any other job, only without a support network.

Yes, I plan on sharing tips, ideas, and insights. I also want to share funny stories too.

Who knows what will come of it.

For now, I want to get the blog going again. I'll create more video content too.

So off we go! Here's to a focused, more committed Levi hoping to deliver that tip you were promised but never received.

In the News

Uber details nearly 4,000 incidents of sexual assault, misconduct in latest safety report (USA Today)

Worker-Owned Apps Are Redefining the Sharing Economy (Wired)

Facing Growing Competition and Rising Costs, Instacart Looks to Deliver on Brand Soul (Ad Week)