Tip You in the App

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My Uber driving tips are down: And I aim to fix it.

Hey there, fellow Uber drivers! It's Levi here, your ride-hailing confidant, cruising through the streets with an update from the tipping frontline.

We've all heard, "I'll tip you in the app!" Yet, for a while, it seemed like my passengers treated that promise like a distant dream. In April 2021, a mere 17% – yes, you read that right, about 2 out of every 10 passengers – showed gratitude through tips. 

For a while, my tip percentage peaked in November of 2023 at 47%. Now, it's down to 35%, and I aim to fix it.

The Journey to Tip-Top Shape

The road from 17% to a whopping 47% wasn't paved with just good intentions; it took genuine effort. I've been there, meticulously cleaning every nook of my car, ensuring every ride is as smooth as Beethoven's symphonies, and practicing the sacred art of listening – truly listening.

However, even after revving up my service quality, the tip meter has taken a slight dip. As of 2023, my tips per trip have decreased from $1.41 to $1.34. It might not sound like much, but for an Uber driver clocking in 50 to 70 weekly trips, we're talking about a decent chunk of change – nearly $5 missing from my pocket weekly.

I'm operating on the belief that there's a tipping sweet spot – the middle third of passengers who simply need a nudge at the right moment. The first third will tip regardless; the last might never tip, but the middle? That's where the tipping magic can happen.

Shift in Strategy: The Proactive Approach

So, what's a driver to do? I've decided to switch gears and be more proactive about tipping etiquette. Here's my game plan:

  1. Trivia for Tips: I've installed an iPad with trivia games to engage my passengers. This isn't just about entertainment; it's a subtle reminder that they're in the care of a driver who goes the extra mile. The iPad occasionally reminds the passengers to review and tip before the trip is over.

  2. A Friendly Nudge: Before they leave, I'll kindly remind them to consider a review and a tip if they've enjoyed their journey. It's about making that personal connection and reminding them before they shift their focus to their next destination. By reminding passengers to tip before they step out, I'm trying to catch them in that moment of satisfaction with the ride before the busy world sweeps away their good intentions.

Aiming for 50% and Beyond

My dashboard dream? To see half of my passengers leave tips. It's ambitious, but with these tweaks to my tipping tactics, I'm steering towards that goal.

To all my fellow drivers, let's keep our vehicles clean, our driving smooth, and our conversations engaging. But remember that sometimes, it's okay to remind our passengers that tipping is part of the journey.

Until next time, let's drive towards that tipping point, one ride – and one reminder – at a time.