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Shorter Trips are more Profitable for Uber Drivers

Are you ready for it? Short trips are more profitable than long trips. Let me break it down for you.

First, the base fare stays the same no matter how short or long the trip is. In my city, the minimum fare is $4.29. That means whether I'm driving a 0.1-mile trip or a 5 or 6-mile trip, I'll still get paid the same $4.29. My cost per mile, which includes gas, maintenance, and depreciation, is roughly 22 cents. So, the shorter the trip, the less I have to spend on gas, maintenance, and depreciation.

But wait, there's more! I also receive quests, promotions, and the opportunity to earn tips. For example, every Friday night after 5 PM, I receive an extra $2 for every trip I pick up within the city. On average, I earn a tip on one of every three trips, ranging from $1 to $5.

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Now, let's look at the numbers. In 2023, I tracked every trip I took and measured its profitability. Out of the 224 trips I took, 71 were less than 2 miles. These trips had a 95% profitability rate, meaning I made 95 cents on the dollar after subtracting gas, maintenance, and depreciation. On the other hand, the 9 trips that were over 10 miles were only 83% profitable.

So, why do I accept so many short trips? Well, I'm in a college town, and college kids (especially late at night) don't want to walk even two blocks. I get it; I'm a parent of a college student too. And as a new driver, I'm happy to have my college student take an Uber late at night, especially when they've been drinking and don't know where they're going.

Now, let's talk about my most and least profitable trips. My least profitable trip was at 9 AM, and it was a 9.5-mile trip that took me 15 minutes and 36 seconds. I only made 73% on this trip because there was no surge, promotion, quest, or tip. On the other hand, my most profitable trip was a Friday night at 10 PM. I took someone 1.2 miles, and it took me only 2 minutes and 22 seconds to complete the trip. I received the minimum fare of $4.29, a $1.13 quest, and I hit a surge, which brought the total to $6.76 for just a 2-minute trip!

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So there you have it, folks. Short trips are indeed more profitable than long trips. I drive Monday through Thursday in the morning and then switch to the night shift on Friday and Saturday. And now you know why.

Hope this has been helpful and informative. Happy driving!