Tips Help Uber Drivers

As an Uber driver, I understand the ups and downs of the job. We work hard to provide a great service, and it's discouraging to not receive tips for our efforts. That's why I created "Tip You in the App."

waitresses tip uber drivers

In American society, tipping is a way to reward hard-working individuals. Still, it can be disheartening to see passengers not tip or tip poorly. I know it's frustrating to see those who flaunt their wealth also being poor tippers. But it's important to remember the impact of even a small tip.

Think about it, if you make three trips in an hour and receive a dollar tip for each trip, that's $3 an hour and $120 a week. Over a year, that's over $5000 in tips alone! A dollar tip may seem small, but it can make a big difference in your income as a driver.

So, let's embrace the power of tipping. Show your appreciation for your hard work and make a difference in your life. Your $200 in tips over the year may seem insignificant to some, but it can mean a 10% raise for you! Join the "Tip You in the App" community, and let's support each other in this gig economy.

Levi Spires

I'm an Uber driver and content creator.

Uber Driving Freedom


What it’s like being an Uber Driver Video